May 05, 2021 | Member's News

The Sustainability Revolution

Is it happening? Is it real? What is it? Well to be honest it’s a bit premature and it is not really a revolution but there is now some hope of action. in this issue of LEADERS we speculate on what it will take to spark a revolution that will actually save the world, and sadly conclude that without comprehensive and cohesive commitment from the majority of governments across the world it will be hard to make the changes needed just to survive.

But there is hope and that’s reflected in this issue where we report on President Biden’s reconfirmation of US commitment at the top level. We also hear good news from the Indonesian Stock Exchange and how they are promoting sustainability. We note that the 4th Indonesian Circular Economy Forum is happening in July and the Indonesian Energy Efficiency and Conservation Conference in June which are two major events in the sustainability calendar.

All in all, a great issue. Read on