June 08, 2021 | Member's News

Sumadi stresses on transportation connectivity to strengthen logistics

Source from: Antara News

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Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi has asked his staff to consistently maintain connectivity of transportation facilities to secure smooth logistics supply and distribution amid the pandemic.

“I have urged (my staff) to be always consistent in realizing the connectivity and make sure that the logistic transportation services keep on going,” Sumadi said during a webinar on ‘Transportation for Logistic Smoothness and Economic Advancement during the Pandemic’, originating here on Monday.

Logistics distribution during the COVID-19 pandemic has remained stable because it has been supported by sufficient transportation networks, he claimed.

In addition, the government is striving to build transportation infrastructure across regions to improve the connectivity and mobility of logistics transportation, he informed.

“Spending activity rose during the pandemic and the transportation sector played an indispensable role in it. That was supported by sufficient transportation networks and transportation infrastructure construction running until now,” he noted.

He said the ministry has rolled out subsidy programs in the transportation sector to aid recovery, both in terms of passenger as well as logistics transportation.

The programs comprise subsidized tariffs for train passengers, an urban transportation subsidy under buy-the-service (BTS) scheme, and subsidized tariffs under the sea toll program.

At the webinar, Sumadi also called on stakeholders to help support a sustainable national economic recovery in the wake of the pandemic.

He expressed the hope that the national economy would revive, as predicted by President Joko Widodo.

“The President always emphasizes that logistics is the blood of all Indonesian people’s activities,” he remarked.

Reporter: Juwita Trisna Rahayu, Adimas
Editor: Rahmad Nasution