October 09, 2023 | Press Release

[Press Release] Siloam Hospitals Launches Online Service for Laboratory and Radiology Tests

Tangerang, 25 September 2023 – Today, Siloam Hospitals Group launched an online ordering service for laboratory and radiology tests that can be ordered anytime and anywhere in the palm of your hand. This service was launched to reach out to an increasingly tech-savvy society and make it easier for people to access health services easily and quickly because with online booking, patients can come directly to the hospital and enter the express queue, reducing waiting time.

According to research from Asosiasi Penyelenggara Jasa Internet Indonesia (APJII), the internet penetration rate in Indonesia has grown by around 14% in the last 5 years and has reached 78% by 2023, penetrating more than 215 million people. In addition, based on data from the World Bank, the average Indonesian spends approximately 8 hours a day accessing the internet.

With the growing number of digital consumptions in Indonesia, Siloam Hospitals Group continue to invest on its digital service platform. In 2018, Siloam Hospitals Group launched a mobile digital app called MySiloam. This app is continuously being developed to create a seamless patient journey in Siloam Hospitals starting from making doctor appointment, changing schedule, ordering medical check-up service, making payment in the app, to implementation of Electronic Medical Record. To further complete its health services, Siloam Hospitals Group added online booking feature for laboratory and radiology services.

The new service that is launched today has been connected to 41 Siloam Hospitals to accommodate patients that wants to get a laboratory and radiology check-up with international standard that is present in 23 provinces where Siloam are. People can directly order laboratory and radiology examination services through the MySiloam application or through the website www.siloamhospitals.com.


Through this new service, Siloam patients and new patients can access diagnostic test according to their needs. Siloam Hospitals Group provides over 500 laboratory

and radiology test parameters for patients to choose from, ranging from simple routine tests such as blood sugar or cholesterol checks, to more in-depth pathology and oncology tests and radiology services such as x-ray, CT-Scan, and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI).

“Patients who want to do diagnostic tests now do not need to bother coming to Siloam Hospital to register, but can order laboratory and radiology tests through our application or website. This service has also been integrated with Siloam’s digital medical record system so that test results can be viewed through the MySiloam application. By making it easier for patients to access diagnostic tests, we hope to reach more patients and make the treatment experience easier and more comfortable,” said Dr. Laura Leandra Setiawan, General Manager of Patient Engagement at Siloam Hospitals Group.