June 06, 2023 | Member's News

OCS Group Indonesia Proudly Supported the World Environment Day

5 June marks the largest global platform to encourage worldwide awareness and action to protect our environment. OCS Group Indonesia proudly supported the World Environment Day with a tree planting initiative near its head office at Cibis Park complex in South Jakarta.

This special ceremonial event celebrated the company’s commitment to protecting our planet. By planting trees, OCS Group Indonesia aims to provide cleaner air and prevent soil erosion while filtering pollutants, ensuring cleaner water. The goal is to help protect the environment for all people and other living creatures.

During the World Environment Day, OCS Group Indonesia also urged its team members to join the #beatplasticpollution campaign by going plastic free for a day. By doing this in a day, the company hoped to inspire a daily action for a cleaner future, transforming ‘one day’ into ‘every day’.