April 02, 2024 | Other News

Ministry Projects US$17.3 Billion Turnover During Eid Momentum

Ministry projects US$17.3 billion turnover during Eid momentum

The Tourism and Creative Economy Ministry’s Deputy for Strategic Studies Dessy Ruhati projected Rp276.1 trillion, or US$17.3 billion, worth of economic turnover in the tourism sector during the 2024 Eid al-Fitr holiday.

“The potential of the tourism and creative economy sector itself can reach Rp276.1 trillion,” she stated in a weekly press conference session here on Monday.

This estimation is based on the projected community movements by the Ministry of Transportation at 193.6 million travelers this year. This figure increased, from 123.8 million homecoming travelers recorded last year.

Ruhati stated that most travelers will throng the top three tourist destinations, namely Central Java, at 61.6 million; followed by East Java, at 37.6 million; and West Java, at 32 million people.

Meanwhile, most travelers will come from East Java, the Greater Jakarta area, and the Central Java Province aboard trains, buses, private cars, and motorcycles.

The ministry also estimated that domestic tourists will head to various tourist destinations, such as lakes or beaches, culinary centers, mountains or agrotourism destinations, recreational parks, zoos, and shopping centers.

During the Eid momentum this year, the tourism and creative economy sector is projected to contribute five percent to the national economy, especially in the first and second quarters.

According to Ruhati, this is due to the increase in consumption and the need for cash, which increased by 4.65 percent from the previous year, and the government’s support for public consumption through social assistance in the form of direct cash.

“And the 100-percent religious holiday bonus (THR) for civil servants,” she added.


Source from ANTARA NEWS

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