December 17, 2021 | 2021

Indonesia’s fish export acceptance rate reaches 98 percent: Ministry

Indonesia's fish export acceptance rate reaches 98 percent: Ministry

The Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries said the acceptance rate of exported Indonesian marine and fishery commodities reached 98 percent out of the entire exports in 2021.

“From all health certificates issued by our institution, we ensure that around 98 percent of our exported commodities have been accepted in destination countries,” the ministry’s Fish Quarantine and Inspection Agency (BKIPM) head Rina stated here on Thursday.

Rina remarked that until November 30, 2021, the acceptance ratio of marine and fishery commodities had reached 99.36 percent, and the agency expected no rejection to be recorded until December-end of 2021.

Meanwhile, the export products and certification issued by the agency decreased to 1.21 million tons of products released through 146,338 certificates this year, as compared to 1.33 million tons of products and 152,240 certificates released in 2020.

Despite the decreasing volume and certification, the agency recorded that the export value of several commodities had increased this year. For instance, the total value of shrimp exports, recorded at US$1.66 million in 2020, had increased to US$41.7 million, while the total value of tuna exports, recorded at US$419.82 million, had increased to US$432.86 million.

“This indicates that the value of Indonesian fishery products has increased,” Rina affirmed.

The agency recorded a decrease in the imports of fishery products in 2021 as compared to the previous year, with the exception only being of fish feed and mackerel imports that are increasing this year, she noted.

To enhance domestic inter-province transfer of fisheries products, Rina echoed her agency’s commitment to providing free-of-charge domestic transfer certification in line with Government Regulation No. 85 of 2021.

The agency reported that as of December 6, 2021, the BKIPM had handled 112 quarantine violation cases, with the total value of seized products reaching Rp192 billion (around US$13.440 million).

To perform the fish quarantine and inspection duty, the agency has collaborated with several parties, such as the national police and military forces, customs and excise office, and airport operator Angkasa Pura, she added.

Rina stated that a recent trial of a single submission system and joint inspection with the quarantine agency and the customs and excise office at three ports saw the system successfully cut the clearance time and costs by 50 percent, thereby clearing the way for complete adoption of the system.

“We are committed to transparency and digitization, and we will hide nothing from the public,” Rina affirmed.

The agency has recorded 3.5 points — from a 1-4 points scale — for service satisfaction rate, and the standardized export certification has been accepted by 171 out of the 195 UN member states, she added.


Source From Antara News

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