October 23, 2023 | Climate Change

Indonesia’s BMKG Warns Countries About Real Threat of Climate Change

Indonesia's BMKG warns countries about real threat of climate change

Indonesia’s Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) has warned countries about the real threat of climate change during a recent international climate workshop.

During “the International Workshop on Climate Variability and Climate Services” in Bali on October 16-19, BMKG Head Dwikorita Karnawati said that the current condition of the Earth is not good, posing a threat to all living things on the planet.

“Climate change threatens all countries… all of them have experienced hydrometeorological disasters or even multiple hydrometeorological disasters,” she said, as quoted in a statement on Sunday.

Hence, she encouraged all countries to collaborate to address environmental issues.

In her briefing at the event, Karnawati also highlighted the importance of the relationship between science, policy and climate services.

The output from climate services and the science assessments by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) are needed to increase knowledge, especially to address climate issues and climate justice, she added.

According to Karnawati, the IPCC cannot work optimally without support from services from climate institutions such as BMKG.

At least 193 countries are working on systematic climate observations, analysis, predictions and are currently working on climate services, she said.

“Therefore, we need to strengthen the relationship between science, policy and information services, especially in understanding the impacts of climate change and climate variability and their effect on human life, which also has an impact on the safety of our civilisation,” she said.

Karnawati stated that BMKG has played an important role in promoting climate information services based on science and legal policies to anticipate increasingly worrisome climate change.

Source: ANTARA News

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