May 13, 2024 | Other News

Indonesian Workforce Grows 3.55 Mln In Feb: BPS

 Indonesian workforce grows 3.55 mln in Feb: BPS

” … the number of unemployed people declined by 0.79 million …”

Statistics Indonesia (BPS) reported that Indonesia’s workforce reached 142.18 million in February 2024, an increase of 3.55 million compared to the year-ago period.

“Meanwhile, the number of unemployed people declined by 0.79 million people,” acting BPS head Amalia Adininggar Widyasanti said at a press conference in Jakarta on Monday.

During the period, the working-age population stood at 214 million, an increase of 2.41 million from February 2023.

“Not all of the workforce is absorbed into the job market, so there are 7.2 million unemployed people,” she informed.

She said that based on the business fields, agriculture, forestry, and fishery businesses absorbed the most workers at 28.64 percent.

They were followed by businesses involved in wholesale and retail trade and the repair and maintenance of cars and motorcycles, which absorbed 19.05 percent of the workers, while the processing industry employed 13.28 percent of the workforce.

Compared to February 2023, three business fields experienced the largest increase in workforce — accommodation and food and beverage (0.96 million); wholesale and retail trade and repair and maintenance of cars and motorcycles (0.85 million); and government administration, defence, and mandatory social security (0.76 million).

“There are three business fields that did not experience changes in labour absorption, namely mining, and quarrying; supply of electricity, gas, steam/hot water, and cold air; as well as real estate,” Widyasanti said.

Based on the number of working hours, BPS recorded an increase of 1.11 million in the number of full-time employees, which reached 93.27 million. The number of part-time employees reached 36.80 million, a decrease of 0.08 million.

Meanwhile, the number of underemployed, or those working less than 35 hours per week or still looking for a job, stood at 12.11 million — an increase of 2.52 million.


Source from ANTARA NEWS

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