June 21, 2022 | 2022

Addressing cooking oil issues prioritized within next two months: govt

Addressing cooking oil issues prioritized within next two months: govt

Trade Minister Zulkifli Hasan has targeted to address issues pertaining to the distribution, availability, and price control of cooking oil within the next one to two months.

Minister Hasan spoke of having found a recurring problem in the entire cooking oil issue. He delivered the statement prior to attending a plenary cabinet meeting led by President Joko Widodo.

“Indeed, I already know the (actual problem) for this bulk oil (issue). There are three distribution channels, (and) there are 10 thousand (places where they are sold). Right now, I am ordering for (the distribution to be expedited) at more than 10 thousand (places), so people can buy it at a price of Rp14 thousand,” he stated.

Later on, at those places, cooking oil would be supplied 24 hours a day, and those would be monitored to see if there was a delay in supply and so on.

The minister believed that this solution could address the issue of bulk cooking oil distribution channels.

His second countermeasure was to develop simple packaging for bulk oil in order to facilitate the distribution process, particularly to distribute it to remote areas.

“For example, if everything was far away, how would you carry gallons if you are far away? For example, in Maluku. Hence, where would the packaging be received later, so that the distribution route will be easier. Hence, please pray for it. May the target to (set the) cooking oil price at Rp14 thousand be achieved in one to two months,” he stated.

Hasan was sworn in as trade minister on Wednesday, June 15, to replace Muhammad Lutfi.

The president expected Minister Hasan to focus on dealing with domestic trade issues.

President Jokowi believed that the recently sworn minister could address the current issues, ranging from supply chain problems to the skyrocketing prices of basic goods, including of cooking oil.

He deemed Hasan to have extensive experience that made him the perfect fit for the post of trade minister.

Food and related affairs require firsthand experience and work in addition to the need to observe issues that were primarily related to the people’s basic needs.


Source from Antara News

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