November 26, 2021 | 2021

Indonesia Strives to Cultivate Digital Talents

Source From Jakarta Globe

Original News HERE

Indonesia strives to actively cultivate Indonesian digital talents to meet the demands of the growing digital economy, the Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology Nadiem Anwar Makarim said.

“At this time, Indonesia still lacks millions of digital talents to fulfill Indonesia’s aspirations to become a digital economy country,” Nadiem said at a launch event of Indonesia Digital Infrastructure Report, as part of Economic Outlook 2022 online seminars held by BeritaSatu organized by Beritasatu Media Holdings on Thursday.

Nadiem said Indonesia’s digital economy is estimated to grow eightfold by 2030, implying that the country needs talents with capabilities beyond basic digital skills to tap into the potential.

“The education ministry believes that this need can be met if there are drastic changes in the education system,” he said.

Nadiem said that these changes could be made under the ministry’s “Merdeka Belajar” (Freedom to Learn) programs such as the Digitalization of Schools and “Kampus Merdeka” (Freedom Campus).

“Through the School Digitization program, we are currently focusing on two initiatives. First, distributing various school equipment, such as laptops, internet networks, and projectors,” said Nadiem.

Second, to expand the number of digital education platforms that assist teachers and schools in improving the quality of learning.

Amid this Covid-19 pandemic, the ministry prepared the platform “Belajar dan Berbagi” (Learn and Share), a space for Indonesian teachers to learn from each other’s experiences and practices. In addition, the teachers also shared PT material and modules to improve learning in their classrooms.

More than 1.1 million teachers have subscribed to nearly 200,000 posts on this platform. In addition to learning and sharing, the education ministry is using the platform to help principals purchase goods and services in a more secure and accountable manner this year.

This platform also supports MSMEs in becoming providers of goods and services, thereby encouraging economic development in the community. Although there are already many members on the platform, this will continue to bring innovation in technology.

“At the end of this year, we will launch an educational application to support teachers in developing their learning and careers. The education ministry is preparing our students to become digital talents,” Nadiem said.

For the first time in Indonesian history, Indonesian students have the opportunity to study outside their study program for three semesters. Not confined to campus during that period, students may choose to utilize the Kampus Merdeka program for their studies.

By participating in the Kampus Merdeka program, students can gain real-life experience working in tech companies. In 2021, 302,000 students have already registered on the Kampus Merdeka platform, and 47,550 already participated in the program.

“We have prepared a bigger budget for this program in 2022. More students will participate, and we can fulfill our digital talent needs,” he said.

“Let’s strengthen our collaboration to prepare for digital talent and build Indonesia’s economy in the future by jointly uplifting Kampus Merdeka,” he said.