September 21, 2021 | 2021

[Member’s News] KPMG on the Data Privacy Thought Leadership “Data Privacy as a way of life”

Source From KPMG

Original News HERE


KPMG Indonesia is excited to present our first publication which focuses on the Data Privacy Thought Leadership “Data Privacy as a way of Life”

In Indonesia, the need to protect personal data is even more important. The country’s high level of mobile penetration and internet connectivity suggests a pervasive amount of personal data available digitally, which, if abused, could lead to lasting impact to the country’s largely young population and threaten the country’s digital ambition.

The importance of data privacy has been acknowledged through upcoming Personal Data Privacy (“PDP”) Bill. It should not be considered as tick in the box exercise but should be viewed as management practices meant to develop a more privacy-aware culture within the organization and strengthen the organizational sense of responsibility for the personal data entrusted to it.


For further information

Dhirendra Kumar

Advisor – Cyber and Data Privacy

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