July 12, 2021 | COVID19 Update

COVID-19 update_12072021

Overall update HERE

Condition in Indonesia

#12 JULY 2021

Positive    : 2.257.203

Cured        : 2.084.724

Hospital Bed Availability Information for COVID-19 Patient – DKI Jakarta (updated 12 July 2021)

Bed Availability – negative pressure ICU room with ventilator: 13

Bed Availability – negative pressure ICU room without ventilator: 9

Bed Availability – non-negative pressure ICU room with ventilator: 29

Bed Availability – non-negative pressure ICU room without ventilator: 11

Bed Availability – negative pressure isolation room: 169

Bed Availability – negative pressure isolation room: 336

Bed Availability – NICU room for COVID-19 patients: 2

Bed Availability – Perina room for COVID-19 patients: 43

Bed Availability – PICU room for COVID-19 patients: 1

Bed Availability – OK room for COVID-19 patients: 1

Bed Availability – HD room for COVID-19 patients: 1

RI Guidance on COVID-19 Handling_updated on 05/07


Transportation Control during Covid-19 Pandemic _ updated on 05/07

  • Changes in the international travel guidance in Indonesia:
    • All Indonesian and foreign nationals (WNI and WNA) who are travelling internationally must do the RT-PCR test upon arrival to Indonesia and be in quarantine for 8 days (8×24 hours).
    • All Indonesian and foreign nationals (WNI and WNA) who are travelling to Indonesia must show their complete/ full dose of vaccination certificate (soft/ hard copy) as a mandatory requirement to enter Indonesia.
    • For Indonesian nationals who haven’t successfully obtained their complete vaccination doses will be vaccinated in the quarantine venue in Indonesia after getting a negative result on their RT-PCR test on the 7th day.
    • For foreign nationals who are already in Indonesian soil and intend to do domestic/ international travels are obliged to be vaccinated through the Government-led or Gotong Royong vaccination programme.


  • Mandatory quarantine is exempted for foreign nationals with diplomatic and official visas who are visiting for the purpose of state/official visits of foreign officials at Ministerial level or above to the Republic of Indonesia, with the implementation of strict health protocol.
  • The requirement to show COVID-19 vaccination card or certificate (in physical form or digital form) is exempted for foreign nationals who are holders of diplomatic and service visa and are part of a foreign official/state visit on ministerial level and higher rank and foreign nationals entering Indonesia under  the Travel Corridor Arrangement scheme, by upholding principles of reciprocity and implementing strict health protocols.

References: The Head of RI Covid-19 Task Force issued an addendum to the Circular Letter No. 8 (2021) on Health Protocols for International Travel during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Effective from 4 July 2021 | Explanation of the addendum to the Circular Letter of the Head of RI Covid-19 Task Force No. 8 and 14 (2021) – Indonesian and English version. Issued on 6 July 2021.


Implementation of Micro-Scale Restriction on Public Activities (PPKM)_ updated on 12/07