
Market Updates: Indonesia Latest Status to Achieve Top 10 Economies by 2030 – Current Economic Condition, Market Outlook, Reforms, Government Five-Year Goals, and Recovery Plan

May 27, 2021 | 03 PM(Jakarta) | 9 AM(UK) | This event is by invitation only

Speakers & Panelists

Francois de MaricourtPresident Director of PT Bank HSBC Indonesia
Joseph IncalcaterraChief ASEAN Economist of HSBC
Harun ReksodiputroPartner of Ginting & Reksodiputro in association with Allen & Overy (LLP)
Hendra GodjaliIndonesia Consulting Market Leader of Ernst & Young Indonesia


James BrysonDirector of PT HB Capital Indonesia and former Board Member of BritCham Indonesia

Event Info

There are great opportunities that are too big to be ignored regardless of the economic disruptions and uncertainties caused by the pandemic. The start of vaccination signals a significant and optimistic milestone for Indonesia’s recovery and reforms. Other positive drivers such as the omnibus law, Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), and positive news on FDIs will also be generators to look beyond all challenges and start assessing the prospects that Indonesia will offer through its economic recovery and reforms.

In this webinar we will discuss Indonesia’s current status to achieve a top 10 global economic position by 2030: the economic growth projections, market outlook, the government’s 5-year goals and recovery plan, as well as the importance of Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG) in building a sustainable growing economy.

This session was joined by the lead panelist from HSBC, complemented by two business executive representatives (BritCham members) with considerable experience of the Indonesia economy landscape.