June 10, 2024 | Other News

New Fishing Policy Targets Sustainability, Economic Growth: Official

New fishing policy targets sustainability, economic growth: official

The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries stated that the quota-based measured fishing policy is applied to better capture fisheries and create a balance between the economy and ecology of the marine and fisheries sectors.

Tb. Haeru Rahayu, the ministry’s Acting Director General of Capture Fisheries, said on Saturday that the quota is given to local fishermen and is not for commercial or industrial purposes, including research, training, or recreational purposes.

The policy is enacted to create optimal and sustainable benefits as well as to ensure the sustainability of fish resources.

Measured fishing will be applied in six zones in 11 fisheries management areas.

“Fishing activities will be carried out based on output controls by utilizing the potential of existing fish resources,” Rahayu remarked.

He said that Indonesia previously relied on input controls, which limited its effectiveness in managing fish resources.

The measured fishing policy is expected to create a balance between ecological sustainability, economic growth, and fair use of fisheries resources, so that fisheries management in Indonesia will enter a new era based on output controls.

Regarding the policy’s implementation, the ministry has made Tual City and the Aru Islands in Maluku its pilot projects before it is implemented in all six zones.

The measured fishing policy is also an effort to provide confidence to the global market that Indonesia is capable of implementing sustainable fishing.


Source from ANTARA NEWS

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