November 13, 2023 | Indonesia Election

KPU utilises e-SPIP application to monitor election budget

KPU utilizes e-SPIP application to monitor election budget

The General Elections Commission (KPU) is utilising a digital application to monitor the utilisation of the budget for the 2024 General Elections across all KPU offices.

“We are utilising an application called e-SPIP (the Government Internal Control System) that facilitates monitoring of the election budget,” said H. Sumarjono, a region coordinator at KPU’s Secretariat General, during a declaration of corruption-free integrity zones for KPU regional offices in Sorong City, Southwest Papua, on Sunday.

Through e-SPIP, various aspects related to the use of the election budget, including official travels conducted by all KPU officials, can be monitored, he explained.

“The e-SPIP application is already integrated (with accessible systems) that can facilitate the public to oversee the use of the budget by the KPU,” he noted.

Sumarjono also emphasised the importance of maintaining corruption-free practices in all KPU offices, as the organisers of the upcoming general elections.

He highlighted the significance of establishing integrity zones in supporting the implementation of bureaucratic reform, particularly in budget management.

“This declaration serves as a way to assess the quality of budget management and human resource practices,” he stated.

He said that KPU is responsible for ensuring that the allocated election budget is utilised for its intended purposes.

The declaration of corruption-free offices is one of KPU’s efforts to fulfil its responsibility, he elaborated.

“Therefore, we are responsible for upholding KPU’s integrity and maintaining public trust in the commission,” Sumarjono said.

KPU has set the campaign period for the upcoming elections to begin on November 28 and conclude on February 10 of next year, while the elections will be held on February 14, 2024.

Source from ANTARA News

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