February 27, 2023 | Member's News

Close the Care Gap: Siloam Hospitals Committed to Fight Cancer for a Healthier Indonesia

Jakarta, 7 February 2023 – In World Cancer Day, Mochtar Riady Comprehensive Cancer Center once again expressed its commitment and participation in increasing awareness and pushing preventive efforts, detection, and cancer treatment in all of Indonesia. World Cancer Day was first established by Union for International Cancer Control (UICC), and is being commemorated this year with the theme “Close the Care Gap”, with the goal to invite every individual to work together to make change and close the gap in cancer knowledge and treatment. According to their respective roles, every individual can take part in fighting against cancer globally, by increasing knowledge related to cancer, starting early detection, and for those who are working in the medical world can exchange knowledge and provide material deepening.

In terms of types, breast cancer is the most common cancer in the world as well as in Indonesia. Quoted from Kemkes.go.id, 70% of breast cancer patients has already entered stadium 3 when detected. Whereas, the prognosis for survivability of breast cancer patients in the last 5 years reached 90-95% at Stadium 1, 70-75% at Stadium 2, and 10-25% at Stadium 3 and 4. This numbers shows how important early detection is for every individuals.

Along with the World Cancer Day theme “Close the Care Gap”, Siloam Hospitals initiated the SELANGKAH (SEmangat LAwan KAnker) campaign which was carried out through several activities, namely:

  1. SELANGKAH for Medical Access by reaching 25,000 women through free breast cancer early detection (ultrasound & mammography) across the nation. In addition to increasing public awareness, it is expected that cases can be detected earlier so that treatment can be carried out faster which makes a better survival rate.
  2. SELANGKAH for Education to educate general public about prevention, early recognition and treatment through radio talk shows, podcasts and social media.
  3. SELANGKAH for Improving Competence by organizing an oncology summit as a forum for learning and sharing knowledge between oncology specialists.

Through the commemoration of World Cancer Day 2023, Siloam Hospitals hoped to take bigger part and steps to ensure the gap of cancer countermeasures can be closed so that every individual can access cancer services and get the treatment that they need, anytime and anywhere. Siloam Hospitals are inviting the community to join hands by inviting their relatives, friends, families, colleagues, as well as the community to participate in making change for a better and healthier Indonesia.