November 10, 2022 | 2022

Jakarta MRT Provides Solar Charging Stations in Dukuh Atas TOD

Jakarta MRT provides solar charging stations in Dukuh Atas TOD

Regional-Owned Enterprise (BUMD) PT Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) Jakarta provides three solar charging stations for electric bicycles and electric motorcycles in the Transit Oriented Development (TOD) area of Dukuh Atas, Central Jakarta.

“We will disseminate information regarding these solar charging stations to the community with our key partners, namely the Jakarta Environmental Service (DLH) and the state-owned electricity company, PLN,” MRT Business Development Director Farchad Mahfud stated during the dissemination of information at the Dukuh Atas TOD, Central Jakarta, Wednesday.

Mahfud noted that these three stations can be used to charge mobile phones with wireless technology and other vehicles, such as electric bicycles and electric motorcycles as well.

He stated that this facility is provided to encourage Jakarta’s residents to use electric vehicles.

Mahfud also said that procurement of the charging station aimed at making Jakarta an environmentally friendly area.

“Reducing carbon emissions is a form of Jakarta’s innovation in strengthening public ecosystems and environmentally friendly transit-oriented areas,” he remarked.

He noted that Dukuh Atas was chosen as a charging point since the station and area around it was the most crowded and busiest.

“We chose it because the area in Dukuh Atas is the most crowded with many activities,” he remarked.

The presence of these three charging units is expected to make people switch to more environmentally friendly energy sources, Mahfud stated.

“MRT is striving to reduce emissions through shifting to mass transportation modes and increasing public awareness of the benefits of new and renewable alternative energy sources (EBT),” he pointed out.

He also expressed optimism that the Dukuh Atas TOD would become an example of an emission-free area in Jakarta.

“One of the efforts to encourage PT MRT Jakarta’s economic growth is to provide good services for the community through increasing mobility, reducing congestion, and developing an environmentally friendly urban transportation system,” he concluded.


Source from Antara News

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